Illini RoboMaster Embedded Control Firmware is Coming to Public

大家好!我们是来自美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟分校的 iRM 战队。

这次开源的是我们团队开发的底层嵌入式控制软件。我们这套固件借鉴了一点 DJI ICRA 2018 官方开源固件的软件结构,把主体控制程序分成了三层:BSP,Library,和 Task。BSP(Board Support Package) 是基于 STM32 HAL 库以及寄存器级别的底层封装层,之后每一层都基于前一层进行抽象以及封装,使得最高层的控制逻辑可以用简单的代码完成复杂的任务。我们设计了可以高度复用并且具有高适应性的软件,为方便日后移植到新型控制板甚至是不同主控芯片上做出了一些努力,这种软件适应性也允许我们将所有不同种类机器人不同的控制逻辑压缩到一套固件当中。

主体软件我们分了两大部分,把可高度复用的三层控制核心源码单独做成一个可被高层调用的API,控制板/芯片/阵脚定义相关的源码分到另一部分。这两部分我们采用了 git submodule 的方法从属关联起来,组成了我们完整的控制源码。我们的官方 GitHub 中 iRM_Embedded_2017


则在今年最新的Type A RM主控板上适用。这两套固件用的是同一套核心控制API:iRM_Embedded_Libraries


这是我们第一年参加DJI RoboMaster大赛,所以经验方面和技术方面都有很多需要像大家学习的地方,希望能有机会多多请教各位大神,和大家多多交流:handshake:handshake

Greetings everybody! We are team iRM from UIUC - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign!

We've just decided to make our embedded control software OPEN SOURCE. Our control related codes are seperated into three layers: BSP, Library, and Task. This code structure is partially referenced from DJI ICRA 2018 Official open source embedded software. BSP (Board Support Package) is the lowest level layer that is developed based on HAL / register level operations. All preceding higher level layers are further abstraction of the lower layers. These structures allow us to achieve a combination of complicated tasks with reletively simple and concise codes. We put in quite a bit effort to make our codes well organized, reusable, and adaptive. This is mostly for easier migration to different control boards or even differnt MCU platforms in later times. The adaptivity of our software also allows us to integrate our control logics for all of our different robots into one repository.

Our overall code structure is divided into two repositories. One of them is a relatively high level control APIs, which is an encapsulation of all these three layers. Another one contains codes related to board / chip specific configurations such as pin definitions and hardware connections, which is mostly automatically generated from the CubeMX software. We relate the two repository using git submodules

to solve their dependencies, and the two of them together makes up our embedded control software, which can be flashed on to the control board. Our official GitHub account currently contains 3 repositories: iRM_Embedded_2017

is the software implemented on DJI RoboMaster 2017 Control Board, iRM_Embedded_2018

is the one for DJI RoboMaster 2018 Type A Control Board, and iRM_Embedded_Libraries

is the submodule that the previous two repositories depend on.

All header files are Doxygen style documented, and we provided English tutorials for how to compile / flash our codes. We hope to contribute to the RoboMaster Community, and more importantly, help more international universities get to know about this amazing robotics competition.

This is the first time we take part in this competition, so there's still a long way to go for us. We are excited to see all the amazing designs from all the different teams, and it will be our honor to learn a ton from you in the near future!

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