【RM2018 关于参赛队开源资料保护的说明】
关于RoboMaster参赛队开源资料保护的说明/Protecting Intellectual Property Rights inOpen-Source Materials for RoboMaster Participating Teams
(一) 在图纸中添加战队水印:文字版:XX学校RoboMaster战队
(二) 对于图纸和代码等进行著作权登记,在网上开源时资料包中加入保护说明,范文参考如下:
备注: 1.由于知识产权维权涉及的问题较多,还是建议能委托专门的机构进行处理。
Since its establishment, the RoboMaster OrganizingCommittee (RMOC) has been encouraging teams to pursue technical innovation andadvocating for open-source technology, fostering technical exchanges andknowledge sharing within the RoboMaster community. During the competition, RMOCis committed to respecting the intellectual property rights (IPR) ofparticipating teams. However, some teams have reported that their technicalmaterials are used by some organizations or individuals without consent orattribution, and are even used for commercial purposes in some cases.
Consultation shows that the RMOC, as it is not thecopyright holder of the open-source materials of participating teams, cannotrepresent them in enforcing their IPR.
In light of this, the RMOC offers the following recommendations forparticipating teams regarding the IPR protection of their open-sourcematerials:
I. Mark open-source materials to prevent unauthorizeduse.
(1) Add a team watermark to drawings:
Text: XX School RoboMaster Team
Image: Team emblem + team name
(2) Registercopyright for drawings, code, and other materials, and include a copyright noticein the open-source package when sharing it online. An example copyright notice isas follows:
1. This open-source work, XXX (name), is created by XXX(author's name). It is solely for technical exchange and must not be used forany commercial purposes without the author's permission.
2. Be sure to credit the original source of the work whenyou repost it. Otherwise, the author reserves the right to take legal actionagainst illegal reposting. (Or, reposting the work in any public domain withoutthe author's permission is prohibited.)
3. The copyright notice of this work, as well as the rightsto its modification, protection of its integrity, and final interpretation,belongs to XX School XX Team.
Text: XX School RoboMaster Team
Image: Team emblem + team name
(2) Registercopyright for drawings, code, and other materials, and include a copyright noticein the open-source package when sharing it online. An example copyright notice isas follows:
1. This open-source work, XXX (name), is created by XXX(author's name). It is solely for technical exchange and must not be used forany commercial purposes without the author's permission.
2. Be sure to credit the original source of the work whenyou repost it. Otherwise, the author reserves the right to take legal actionagainst illegal reposting. (Or, reposting the work in any public domain withoutthe author's permission is prohibited.)
3. The copyright notice of this work, as well as the rightsto its modification, protection of its integrity, and final interpretation,belongs to XX School XX Team.
II. Upon identification of infringements on your IPR, youcan file a complaint through a third-party platform. Here's an example usingTaobao:
Alibaba has its own intellectual property protectionplatform where you can file aninfringement complaint.
Specific rulesare as follows:
Specific rulesare as follows:
Risk disclaimer and operating suggestions:E-commerce platforms, including Alibaba, require relevant proof of infringementbefore a complaint can be filed. Therefore, participating teams must preservethe following materials as proof:
1.The timeline of work development;
2.The timeline of the open-source release;
3.Source files of the work;
4.Evidence of the infringement, such as screenshots of the store selling thesource code;
5.If the concerned copyright is registered, provide the certificate of copyrightregistration.
III. For code and other technical materials that meet therequirements to obtain a patent, consider applying for a patent based on theirvalue before open sourcing (public release).
IV. If you identify other infringements, you can protectyour IPR by filing a lawsuit with the court.
Since IPR protection involves numerous complexities, we recommend thatparticipating teams use services from specialized agencies to handle relevantmatters.
V. Disclaimer:
The aboverecommendations are for reference only, for which the RMOC does not bear anylegal or factual responsibility.
We hope that allparticipating teams can build a strong awareness of IPR protection and fightagainst IPR infringements.
We hope that allparticipating teams can build a strong awareness of IPR protection and fightagainst IPR infringements.
【RM2018 关于参赛队开源资料保护的说明】